I made this because i wanted to practice my modeling and drawing. I used a very crewed sketch (because i can't draw) and then loosely based the model of that.
As an extra challenge i did this all with my touch-pad (my wrist hurts I'm not doing that again). There are some additional details i wished to add to this model but my laptop had other ideas. The vehicle was heavily influenced by rocket league and the sketch was originally meant to be for a racing game i was thinking of making but then i decided to just make a render instead (this model is also just way too high poly).
My main challenge was getting those creases between the plates. I managed to do this by entirely giving up on my dream of using a non destructive work flow and applied all my modifiers. I then used the knife tool to cut up the sections and used the bevel solidify and edge split modifier to get the effect I was looking for.
Light speed


Light speed
